Friday, February 15, 2013


it's 3/4th's of the planet and we relay on it in way's I'm just now understanding. But realizticly, it's largly inaccessible  I want to change that for myself, at leaset, and other people in a larger way. It's a source of food- a way of transport, a relaxing place, and an area full of danger - just like everywhere else.

But for me, unlike mountains, forests, and deserts. I know relatively little about it.  To change this I want to: build and manage boats- ( sail across the bay) Swim more regularly. Bike to all the places I travel (trailer). And be confident in what I make. This is the picture of life that I'm making for myself. It's gonna be a fun picture in the next year.

That being said, I know very little about getting and producing my own food to begin with- land or water. Fishing, gardening, scavenging- all teach you to relay on yourself for ways to interact with the ocean.

Make your community- inspire them with projects, communicate it well, deliver it smoothly, and well.

People who've been inspiring me lately:

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