Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I was asked to make a wine label for a friend, this is one of the ones that didn't make the cut, but I really enjoyed working with sun bursts, It'll be a common theme in the future.


Fire tempered!

Candles were a little confusing to me at first, I thought they were made of all kinds of different thigns, but when it came down to it candles are actually really simple.

Fire is essentially the rapid oxidation of a material when breaking carbon bonds (organic material) though not always. This includes wood, any animal part,  and petroleum products which are condensed animal life.

Fire itself needs: Heat, Oxygen, and fuel. As it is, the actual fire (what you see as the light) is turning the fuel into gas which is reppidly bonding to the oxygen in an exothermic reaction (creating more heat) but if you remove the heat from the break down the fuel, you got nothing.


Again, you need fuel, oxygen, and heat.
In a fire, the wood is the fuel, in a candle - fat or wax is the fuel. Bee's wax and parafin wax are probably the most commonly used, but you can used lard, tallow, butter (yes butter) or any condensed carbon substances (bone?) It does need a lead though, a wick.

The simplest candle I've made is a butter candle - by taking a sick of butter, and pushing a cleanex into it with a tooth pick. It's not the cleanest burning candle, but it works.

A slighly more complex candel is to take wax, melt it (in a pot over boiling water) then poor it into a glass container with a hanging wick. (to keep it in place).

There are slightly more complex ways (double dipping candles to give then tapered affect, but it's still the same principal.

I actually had a funny time learning this, mostly because there were so many articles about making candles out of coconut oil, and other fregrences or color additives, which are fine, but not necessary.

So go make a candle (or 5!)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Yesterday I learned to Mill at TechShop Menlo park. The class was 3 hours long, and the 5 of us learned to take a solid block of aluminum and turn it into a card holder. Milling is the process of taking a solid piece of metal and milling into it with a mill (how many mills can a mill mill). I don't fully have the vocabulary to explain everything. But this is what I made yesterday- I'm now trying to incorporate it into my skill set and understand what to do with it! Oh, and this is for holding business cards- or other small paper items,

Monday, February 18, 2013

No Horizon

A friend was really excited when I brought up the make daily project - which after a month off (of which I was still making just not recording it, or drawing, which actually turned out to be something I missed) I decided to start recording again. This is on Illustrator  which I'm drawing with again after a break for about 4 months, so I just needed to get pointer to screen. Only have one brush at the moment, but it let me focus less on the the brush and more on the pen/pencil tool which is a nice slow step.
I'll probably be making several boat pictures (it's a decent amount of my time lately) and I have several CAD models which I'll be posting in the near future.

Friday, February 15, 2013


it's 3/4th's of the planet and we relay on it in way's I'm just now understanding. But realizticly, it's largly inaccessible  I want to change that for myself, at leaset, and other people in a larger way. It's a source of food- a way of transport, a relaxing place, and an area full of danger - just like everywhere else.

But for me, unlike mountains, forests, and deserts. I know relatively little about it.  To change this I want to: build and manage boats- ( sail across the bay) Swim more regularly. Bike to all the places I travel (trailer). And be confident in what I make. This is the picture of life that I'm making for myself. It's gonna be a fun picture in the next year.

That being said, I know very little about getting and producing my own food to begin with- land or water. Fishing, gardening, scavenging- all teach you to relay on yourself for ways to interact with the ocean.

Make your community- inspire them with projects, communicate it well, deliver it smoothly, and well.

People who've been inspiring me lately: