Monday, December 3, 2012


I was reading through a fashion magazine and noticed how previlent the Union Jack is on many different purse's and other items. It's much easier to use than the American flag: it's radial, it's symetrical, and it has sharper angles than the US flag. So idecided to play with American symbols I knew that fit into the Union Jack scope and thought of the US WW2 plan splash (which needed a back drop, it was never on  white plan) and Captain America's shield. I played with those for a little (there are several versions of both) and then took the elements I saw stand out and combined them in the middle (which ended up being the shield without the outter rings.

Creating my own version of when I think of the American symbol. I believe it exsists elsewhere, but it was a fun process to go though the elements of the design and work through what I wanted to take out of them.

Yesterday I went to the Imperfect Film Festival, where I agreed to make a Movie by next month (Jan 6th) this should be an interesting experiment! 

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