Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Repost of scream

I'm working on some larger project today (both illustrations and hardware) so I'm posting some word art I made a few months ago! (I also have a new computer thanks to my cousin so I'm relearning A-Illustrator. Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmass Eve

I made this for a friends party flyer- took the details out, but poster still stands!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

100 bullets comic art study

I was up late last night reading 100 bullets by vertigo (DC) and decided to remake some of the art in my own way - I'm still not completely comfortable with the drawing aspect (a tablet would be nice, but I'm still determining if it's essential or just 'highly preferred.' The Top 3 are all in Gimp [photoshop], Pictures I took while I was in South America (the 3rd is my bother) the Last two are in Inkscape [illustrator] (I posted the final picture yesterday, but I wanted to lay all of them down. Happy Thursday. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Rain Forest

This is probably how you should not make vector drawings, it confuses the program, when you're thinking like a bitmap, and the shading isn't very easy for inkscape. This idea came from a reddit sub-reddit: sketch daily. The picture is of a a redwood forest I visited earlier this year. This is my 3rd work I've done that I didn't trace, but still practised off a piece side by side.

Monday, December 17, 2012

S is for Silverfish!

Painting is different than my normal process of creating images. I think i more block like formations- shapes- rather than shades of images, which I've had to work on here. It's more blurry than I imagined when I was making it- so I'll learn to increase the resolution next time. But it's a start. I've also started going to for a pull away from my usual content (landscapes). Thanks for looking!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Blue Mountains

A Mountain trace I did today, while thinking about the cold, and having a cold.


Yesterday I made cookies!  Today I make boats! 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Off Kilter Sun

So- I posted what I've been working on today, but when I uploaded it, and expanded the resolution it looked so horrible I had to redact it...immediately, so I made this on Sunday as an experiment with color mixing (that's not a tool made gradient in the backgruond, I started with white and moved to yellow)-- then pained rather than tooled out in vectors the spiral.

I'm playing with Gimp more lately, so expect to see more randomness.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fading river

Worked on this over the weekend, which might be cheating, but I made something today that I have plans with. I also looked at which has some great tutorials on learned how to draw in the digital area- so I'm looking forward to what I can work on next. Thanks for reading!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Fog City

I'm part of a running club that drinks and chases each other, really , you should go find them, they're the only reason I run (for beer!) The Hash House Harriers, are a ton of fun, and here' a patch I made for a local group!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bitmaps and pasting

Good morning! Working with bitmap tracing and backgound mixes, took longer than expected, but fun non the less.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Office Pet!

We now have a Roomba at my office, which is full of sciency people and snarky comments. As I was untangling it from some curtains, this jewel came out. I was working on about 4 other pieces (which will come out later) but it's nice to just put the publish button.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lone Star

I decided to play with shadows (gradients) both dark and light, to give a more spherical look. As I made it I thought it a little humours about how the notion of what I had of this shape vs, what I actually looked like was affecting it's appearance. It should probably look more like a ball than a button or a shield (my previous post was of Captain Americas shield) but after playing with some of the layers it came out ...sheildy.

Monday, December 3, 2012


I was reading through a fashion magazine and noticed how previlent the Union Jack is on many different purse's and other items. It's much easier to use than the American flag: it's radial, it's symetrical, and it has sharper angles than the US flag. So idecided to play with American symbols I knew that fit into the Union Jack scope and thought of the US WW2 plan splash (which needed a back drop, it was never on  white plan) and Captain America's shield. I played with those for a little (there are several versions of both) and then took the elements I saw stand out and combined them in the middle (which ended up being the shield without the outter rings.

Creating my own version of when I think of the American symbol. I believe it exsists elsewhere, but it was a fun process to go though the elements of the design and work through what I wanted to take out of them.

Yesterday I went to the Imperfect Film Festival, where I agreed to make a Movie by next month (Jan 6th) this should be an interesting experiment! 

Sunday, December 2, 2012


This took about 10 minuets, I didn't like it, but it didn't matter, Here's what I made today.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Going on Journey

I did this as a remake for art I found on grooveshark, not sure who the artists is, but I realized "I can make that." it might even be fun to remake this, and put more detail it in. I was just invited on a ship building venture - which has some pretty awesome deliverable. It might even turn into something I could end up making.

This is my first post, it's art (in the traditional sense), and honestly for me computer generated art isn't that difficult to start, it's quick and the tools are all right here- it's not even messy. But I started, so there! Now off to write a one pager project proposal, which will take much more time, and hell I might even post it up here as something I 'made' today.